with the assertion of de Quatrefages that there are four principal color groups in the human family, of white, yellow, red,
and black races, he adds this from the Mahabharata:
color of the Brahmans is white; of the Kshatriyas red, of the Vaisyas yellow, of the Sudras black. Red Rajputs. WQJ.
have this idea symbolized in the four castes in India and you will find also that these four castes are found universally
throughout the planet. EXT 508.
color of the Kshatriyas red. WQ.Judge.
of these planetary schools are responsible for the energy flowing through the foremost exponents of the four castes and this
not only in India but in all parts of the world. TCF 1180.
- The School for Warriors, or the open grades for soldiers. Four of these planetary schools are responsible for the energy
flowing through the foremost exponents of the four castes and this not only in India but in all parts of the world. Its teachers
are spoken of as the "Graduates of the ruddy Fire," and are frequently portrayed as clothed in red robes, and carrying ebony
wands. They work under the first Aspect logoic and train those whose work is along the lines of the destroyer. TCF 1180.
Master Morya, is a Rajput Prince. IHS 54. Adapt.
Master M. is upon the first Ray, that of Will or Power. IHS 54.
Moryas Red warrior/soldier cast of the Mars Planetary School. JPC.
I - Will or Power
Color: Red. EP1 418.
race of the Solar dynasty. SD 378.
Tod believes the name Morya (or Maureyas) a corruption of Mori, a Rajpoot tribe, and the commentary on Mahavansa thinks that
some princes have taken their name Maurya from their town called Mori, or, as Professor Max Muller gives it, Morya-Nagara,
which is more correct, after the original Mahavansa. SDI 378. HP Blavatsky.
Vayu Purana declares that Moru will re-establish the Kshattriya in the Nineteenth coming Yuga. (See "Five years of Theosophy,"
p. 483. "The Moryas and Koothoomi.") SDI 378. HP Blavatsky.
Jeremy Condick.